
The uniqueness of the wedding day can be highlighted in many ways and the selection of a special place for the wedding ceremony is definitely one of the first. At Kuks Hospital, you can choose from several options where you can say "Yes".

Civic ceremonies

Civic ceremonies can take place in the Baroque pharmacy „The Pomegranates“, in the lapidary with original statues of Virtues and Vices or in the outdoor areas (courtyard, herb garden).

The pharmacy can accommodate approximately thirty-five wedding guests, in the garden and lapidary the number of wedding guests can be around one hundred.

If you choose an outdoor space for your D-Day, in case of the current bad weather on the wedding day, the ceremony will be moved to the pre-selected indoor spaces.

Dates of marriages (see below) are arranged at the registry office of the Municipal Office of Dvůr Králové n. L.
Contact: +420 499 318 248, e-mail or

We recommend first to find out the availability of the date you have chosen at the registry office. Afterwards, contact the administration of the Kuks Hospital.

The price for renting the premises is CZK 4,000, including VAT, payable in cash before the ceremony at the Kuks Hospital administration.


lists of the wedding dates 2025

Church ceremonies

Church ceremonies are held in the monastery church of the Holy Trinity, which can accommodate almost a hundred wedding guests.

Dates are arranged first at the administration of the Kuks Hospital (Libor Švec, telephone +420 724 663 535) and then at the Dean's Office in Dvůr Králové nad Labem (telephone +420 499 622 363, mobile +420 731 402 220).

The price for renting the premises is CZK 4,000, including VAT, payable in cash before the ceremony at the Kuks Hospital administration.

More information:

You can get directly to the hospital (but only by car) on the road no. 37 Jaroměř - Trutnov through the villages Brod n. L. and Slotov.


Quick contact

Are you lost? Don't worry, give us a call and we will help you.

Bc. Libor Švec

  • správce objektu hospitál Kuks - kastelán
  • BE8524BE-6F17-4546-AA87-2998DE46E495 724 663 535
46F7E700-59DD-49E2-B445-AA370B18658A Regional Historic Sites Management in Sychrov
81/, Kuks 81 54443